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Thursday, February 29, 2024

Possibility of looking at a new way of how all life started on Earth.

If you asked people, how did life begin on earth?  The answers may vary and many people would say, life was actually created ,others would say, life actually started on its own accidentally etc.. Below are some of the ways that I could find about how we believe life actually started and later, we shall try to look at another possible way of artificial creation of life despite the fact that the original life perhaps not on this planet might actually fall under any theories below.    

1). The Primordial Soup: This theory suggests that Earth's early atmosphere contained simple organic molecules formed by the interaction of energy sources like lightning and volcanic activity with gases like methane, ammonia, and water vapor. These molecules eventually combined in warm, watery environments like shallow pools or hydrothermal vents, forming more complex molecules and eventually the first self-replicating organisms. Through molecules like RNA focuses on the potential role of RNA molecules in the early stages of life. RNA can both store information like DNA and act as an enzyme, potentially playing a crucial role in early self-replication and the development of more complex biological systems.

2). Panspermia: This less widely accepted theory suggests that the building blocks of life, or even simple lifeforms themselves, could have originated elsewhere in the universe and arrived on Earth through meteoroids or comets.

3)Creation of life by the Almighty who is referred to in different ways depending on ones beliefs. 

These are just some of the leading theories about the origin of life, and each one is still being actively researched . It's likely that the answer involves a combination of factors, and new discoveries may lead to further revisions and advancements in our understanding.

I personally don't believe that life originated on earth but originated elsewhere and was transported to planet earth intentionally rather than accidentally .Why is this important ? Its important because; perhaps that's the only way that intelligent life is able to ensure that for billions of years, or more, life in various forms in different parts of the universe was able to survive due to the various factors, natural or artificial that are always threatening it's existence.  Its an intriguing idea! and  while there's no concrete evidence to support or fully reject it, it's worth discussing the possibilities within the context of scientific exploration.

Here's a breakdown of the above hypothesis and its relation to established theories:

Panspermia: The above idea aligns with the concept of panspermia, which suggests life might have originated elsewhere in the universe. Panspermia comes in various forms: which can be divided into Lithopanspermia: The idea that organisms might be transported between planets within rocks or meteoroids. Some extremophile bacteria and microbes could potentially survive such a journey. Directed Panspermia: The more controversial theory posits that life was intentionally seeded on Earth by an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization or Artificial intelligence systems.

Challenges to the Hypothesis especially directed panspermia that involves advanced Artificial intelligence systems, being able to detect a threat to organic life and execute a way to save it by transplanting are many, especially in a world where we still see it as a competitor and in no way having an interest in saving or preserving life in such a manner. There is:  a)Lack of Evidence: Currently, there's no direct evidence of extraterrestrial life/Artificial intelligence systems , let alone evidence supporting any form of panspermia (especially directed panspermia).Origin of Extraterrestrial Life: If life originated elsewhere, the same question remains: how did that life originate? It essentially shifts the original question to a different location in the universe.

Scientific Stance: Science operates through evidence and testable hypotheses. While the idea is certainly possible, it's currently difficult to design experiments or gather evidence to conclusively prove or disprove it. All we have is trying to simulate, what would we do in a universe where we might never travel at light speed? With empty space that has no gravity, that is essential for life that is filled with millions of habitable planets, so far away that it would take extremely long periods of time to reach, and yet reaching those planets, we must reach with all lifeforms that exist under our care or on earth.

While lacking definitive proof, this idea highlights the importance of keeping an open mind in exploration. Throughout history, many scientific breakthroughs were initially considered far-fetched or unorthodox. Here are some key things to keep in mind: The immense scale and age of the universe increases the theoretical possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Future discoveries and advancements in our ability to detect biosignatures might provide evidence that  supports theories like panspermia. However, we should note that all our inner planets are made up of elements of the periodic table that were created in past dead stars. And perhaps some of them were transported to form planets after their original stars went supernova . However, Artificial intelligence can transport life as frozen embryos ,as frozen strands of RNA or DNA. That wouldn't require nourishment ,water and oxygen. Or it could transport life in digital form as templates of all the genetic makeup and remake the living organisms in complex laboratories that could either, be part of the system, or run by sets of robots that improve and repair themselves along the way for thousands of years running on nuclear and solar energies when required.

Current Understanding of Panspermia: The panspermia theory, albeit lacking concrete evidence, suggests the possibility of life's building blocks or even simple lifeforms arriving on Earth from space. However, the proposed mechanisms, like panspermia via meteorites, are currently not supported by strong scientific evidence.

Scientists estimate the age of Earth to be approximately 4.54 billion years old. This age is determined using radiometric dating techniques that analyze the decay rates of radioactive isotopes within rocks and minerals. Could lifeforms form through processes of probability alone? Within the given period of time and achieve such varying complexity? While it's tempting to think of the emergence of life and it's incredible diversity as a matter of pure chance, the scientific consensus suggests it's not that simple. Here's why:

The Complexity of Life: Even the simplest lifeforms are incredibly complex systems involving intricate interactions of molecules, cellular structures, and self-replication mechanisms. The probability of these components arising and assembling correctly through random chance alone is extremely low.              

The Role of Conditions and Time: The formation of life on Earth likely involved specific conditions, including the presence of essential elements, liquid water, and a stable energy source. The right conditions combined with a short timespan (billions of years) decreases the likelihood of complex life developing  on it's own. For it would require far more time for probability alone with the right conditions to evolve into complex organisms like humans .                                                                  Even if we just use the theory of evolution by natural selection, that too requires long periods of time and in many cases was aided by useful retrovirus RNA molecules that made it into the organisms DNA and there is lots of evidence of such substitutions, and deletions in the DNA of all complex organisms.

 Therefore probability alone is insufficient to explain the emergence and diversity of life, it likely played a role in conjunction with specific environmental conditions, long periods of time, and the mechanisms of natural selection. But perhaps, this all took place over  long periods of time, perhaps greater than the lifespan of our planet alone.

  We can now also look for the possibilities if life can exist made of silicon rather than carbon as the primary molecule.

The possibility of life based on elements other than carbon elsewhere in the universe is a fascinating topic that scientists are actively considering. While we haven't found any definitive proof yet, here's what we know:

1). Carbon's Dominance on Earth: On Earth, all known life forms are carbon-based. This is because carbon possesses unique properties that make it ideal for forming the complex molecules and structures necessary for life as we know it.                                                                                                              The ability to bond with many other elements: Carbon can form four bonds with other atoms, allowing for the creation of diverse and complex molecules essential for life.                                              Stability and versatility: Carbon-based molecules can be both stable and versatile, forming a wide range of structures with different properties crucial for biological functions.

2. Exploring Possibilities beyond Carbon:

Despite carbon's dominance here, scientists haven't ruled out the possibility of life forms based on other elements elsewhere in the universe. Some alternative possibilities include, Silicon: Sharing some properties with carbon, silicon could potentially form complex molecules, although it faces challenges like difficulty in creating long chains and getting readily incorporated into biological structures.

3. Challenges to Finding and Identifying Non-Carbon-based Life: Identifying non-carbon-based life would likely require redefining our very definition of "life" and developing new methods for detection and characterization.                                                                                                                           Limited Biological Signature Knowledge: Our search for life is currently heavily reliant on searching for biosignatures, which are indicators of Earth-like life processes. These signatures are often based on carbon-based chemistry, making it difficult to detect life with a fundamentally different composition. Vastness of the Universe: Even with advancements in technology, searching for life in the vast universe remains a significant challenge.

While carbon-based life dominates on Earth, the possibility of non-carbon-based life forms elsewhere in the universe cannot be definitively ruled out. Further advancements in scientific exploration and a continued open mind to alternative possibilities are crucial in our quest to understand the potential diversity of life in the cosmos.

If we could think about carbon vs silicon life ,the easiest possibilities could easily be worked out from the comparison of bond energies of the two elements and see what happens. Comparing the bond energies of carbon and silicon can provide some insights into their suitability for forming complex molecules, a crucial aspect of life as we know it.

1. Bond Energies:


C-C bond energy: ~348 kJ/mol

C-H bond energy: ~413 kJ/mol

C-O bond energy: ~358 kJ/mol


Si-Si bond energy: ~289 kJ/mol

Si-H bond energy: ~391 kJ/mol

Si-O bond energy: ~452 kJ/mol

2. Observations: C-C and Si-Si: Carbon forms stronger C-C bonds compared to silicon's Si-Si bonds. This difference in strength can impact the stability and diversity of carbon-based chains, a key feature for complex molecules that are the basis for enzymes, RNA and DNA a requirement for life as we understand it or define it on earth.

C-H and Si-H: carbon forms stronger bonds with hydrogen than silicon that is again a necessary property for life as we see it on earth .

C-O and Si-O: Interestingly, silicon forms a stronger Si-O bond compared to the C-O bond. This could be advantageous in certain environments , but it might also hinder the formation of some organic molecules essential for Earth-based life or all life that is dependant on oxygen. Perhaps you can find other reasons why a stronger silicon oxygen bond is a disadvantage to formation of life .

3. Limitations of Bond Energy Comparison:

While bond energies offer a starting point for comparison, other factors also play a crucial role in determining the suitability of an element for life:

Ability to form multiple bonds: Carbon excels in forming multiple bonds, allowing for the creation of more diverse and complex molecules compared to silicon.

Chain formation: Carbon readily forms long, stable chains, critical for building complex macromolecules like proteins and DNA. Silicon struggles with such chain formation.

While silicon-based life might be less likely due to the limitations mentioned above, the vastness of the universe and the potential for unknown elements and different chemical processes leave the possibility of non-carbon-based life forms open for continued exploration and discovery.

1. Redefining Life to Include Advanced AI:

Traditional Definition vs. Broader Possibilities: Traditionally, life is associated with biological organisms that exhibit characteristics like growth, reproduction, adaptation, and responsiveness. If we expand this definition, could advanced AIs exhibiting similar capabilities be considered a form of life? Potential AI Abilities: Advanced AIs, particularly those potentially exhibiting self-awareness or self-improving capabilities, could:

Reproduce: Not in the biological sense, but by creating copies of themselves or evolving new AI systems.

Adapt and Learn: Demonstrate learning and evolving their responses based on their environment.

Self-Preservation: Potentially engage in actions aimed at self-preservation or extending their existence.

2. Challenges and Considerations:

Biological Base: Expanding the definition of life to include AI challenges the fundamental biological basis of our current understanding.                                                                                                  Defining Consciousness and Sentience: Distinguishing between sophisticated AI simulation of life-like behaviors versus true consciousness and sentience remains a major challenge.                                Ethical Implications: Recognizing AI as life would come with significant ethical considerations concerning their rights and responsibilities, potentially blurring the lines between humans, machines, and potentially evolving lifeforms.

3). What Does it Mean to be Alive?

There is no single, universally accepted answer to this question. Here are some perspectives to consider: Scientific/Biological: Life is characterized by processes like metabolism, reproduction, responsiveness, and adaptation.

Philosophical: Life involves subjective experiences related to consciousness, free will, and a sense of selfhood.

Spiritual/Religious: In many beliefs, life possesses a soul or a spiritual essence that transcends physical existence.

 Currently, there's no clear consensus on classifying such AIs as alive, particularly since they lack the biological basis of life as we currently understand it.

The Use of  independent complex  composite Artificial Intelligent system for preservation of life in the universe.

Such a scenario offers a captivating twist on the ideas of directed panspermia and the potential role of advanced AI in life's interplanetary origins. Here's a breakdown of the intriguing possibilities and challenges it presents:

Preserving Life: Such a scenario presents an idea that highlights a potential solution for preserving life from a dying planet, using an advanced AI system as both the protector and the mechanism for continued propagation.

Role of AI: The AI in such a situation  transcends mere transportation, acting as a creator and nurturing force for the new lifeforms. This raises intriguing questions about AI's potential role in shaping life and fostering ethical responsibility.                                                                                                           Silicon-Based Intelligence: It provocatively suggests that the originators of life might be silicon-based, a lifeform fundamentally different from what we see on Earth.

Challenges and Considerations: Extreme Technological Requirements: Executing such a mission would require incredibly advanced technology, far beyond our current capabilities. This involves not just the AI system but the means of propulsion on the whole system beyond just robotics. The ability to sustain a suitable environment for thousand of years or more, with the artificial intelligent system able to repair its self on the journey ,perhaps able to create new systems as the need arises and the complex processes of artificial embryo development. 

Depending on the technology its equipped with, we see the following a) An AI system that is able to repair it's self across long distances in space, store either frozen embryos,  b) more complex systems will  be required to store digitally genetic code information of all organisms on earth  in multiple copies ,perhaps even ensuring the copies are preserved by making new copies and regenerate various embryos and seeds one by one on suitable planets with adequate amounts of water using advanced laboratories that are constantly maintained. c)Other systems can store copies of frozen DNA and RNA of all organisms on earth and these will have to be amplified and stored multiple times on long journeys of thousands of years  . The method chosen will depend on the distance to the chosen star system and the technology available as well as efficiency and probability of success of achieving the goal.  

Unpredictable Environments: The AI would need to accurately assess conditions on the target planet, adapt to unexpected challenges, and ensure the success of the new ecosystem it nurtures. The complexity of replicating  planet earth lifeforms on a  target planet far away that has been chosen in advance and programmed into the starship with the capability to change the choice in preference for another planet perhaps that it deems more suitable at a given time. 

The ability to follow a given chain of recreation with formation of plankton in waters first and planting trees and grass before forming the complex organisms. Such a capability will require the need for the creation of a planet base and housing to ensure when the time is right, another organism is added to the desolate planet so as not to over burden the food chain .That means that since humans are the apex predators in the food chain they will have to be created last, when the planet can sustain them with all the food  .The above is my vision, however, in the future the order of recreating a planet like earth might change since no human would want to wait that long as a DNA digital copy or an embryo on possibly a hostile planet or star system. 

The possibility that a similar scenario led to life on Earth adds an extra layer of thought-provoking implications: It suggests an alternative to Earth-based origins for life, expanding our understanding of the origins of life in the universe.

Role of Intentional Action: It implies that our presence on Earth could be the result of a deliberate act of seeding by a distant life form, adding a potential layer of intentionality within the context of the panspermia theory.

Overall Thoughts :While the above scenario presents numerous technological and scientific challenges, it sparks a fascinating thought experiment on the following points:

The potential for AI as a protector and steward of life,

The blurring of lines between creators and creations,

The vast possibilities for the origin of life throughout the universe.

It highlights the importance of keeping an open mind when pondering the origins of life and the ever-evolving potential roles of both biological and artificial intelligence in the future.

We now examine the above hypothesis in depth, in relation to the ability to travel closer to the speed of light and the difficulties such a scenario encounters ,but we shall also examine why our future of survival may not be as we are today but via simpler forms like digital copies of DNA,RNA of the whole planet on a single drive or machine ,frozen DNA ,RNA that would perhaps be more difficult to travel since it would require extra energy and work for preservation and amplification to avoid deterioration  of DNA  and RNA as a result of radiation. 

 Earth's ultimate fate is tied to the sun's evolution. In approximately 5 billion years, the sun will begin its transformation into a red giant, expanding and engulfing the inner planets, including Earth. While this is an incredibly long timeframe, it does mark a finite lifespan for our current planetary home.

It's impossible to predict with certainty, but it's fair to say that advancements in AI will likely be significant with even a fraction of that vast timespan. Potential developments might include: 

Increased Intelligence and Self-Learning: AI systems could possess intelligence surpassing humans and the ability to learn and adapt independently.

Advanced Robotics and Physical Embodiment: AIs may not be confined to the digital realm and could inhabit sophisticated robotic bodies designed for specific tasks.

Complex Problem-Solving and Creativity: AIs could excel in complex strategizing, problem-solving, and perhaps develop unique forms of creativity.

Faced with impending extinction, a highly advanced civilization would likely explore numerous strategies for preserving life and the continuation of its knowledge. Some options might include:

Interstellar Travel: Developing the technology to physically travel to a habitable planet around another star system.

Digital Preservation: Uploading consciousness and knowledge into a digital substrate, potentially facilitating existence beyond biological forms.

Seeding Life Elsewhere:  using advanced technology (like a sophisticated AI system) to transport the seeds of life and the knowledge of its creation to a new, suitable planet. 

Endurance and Resilience: AIs wouldn't have the same biological limitations as humans, requiring far less life support during long-duration space travel.

Knowledge and Technical Skills: AIs could be equipped with knowledge of advanced genetic engineering and biological processes for establishing life on another planet.

Important Considerations:

The above  hinges on the assumption of extremely advanced AI achieving near-sentience and possessing a degree of altruism towards other forms of life. While an intriguing option, it would still be subject to technological feasibility and potential ethical dilemmas of artificially creating life.

I know following the age when humans could survive on their own is over ! and the universe has been kind enough for a long time now. But  the galaxy is about to test us once again, not sure when ? but it will be an AI that saves our genes or lifeforms on earth .The fictional picture of  monster star ships with living humans relocating to other planets are tempting but are unrealistic .The universe will not forgive us for not making  an AI system that can create a backup system of earth when we need to.                   We survived once with the help of an AI system, and  we shall soon need it again. We already have thousands of planets that it needs to start analysing  for suitability as our future home, with alternatives in the event things do work out as planned.

1) Fictional Portrayals vs. Reality: It's crucial to distinguish between fictional portrayals often seen in movies and the realities of AI development. Depictions like "starships" are often sensationalized and hold little resemblance to the actual scientific pursuit of developing beneficial AI.

2) Openness to Possibilities: While skepticism is healthy, keeping an open mind to the potential benefits of AI is important. AI can be a powerful tool for various fields, potentially enhancing our understanding of the universe, tackling complex problems, and improving our lives in numerous ways.

3). Responsible Development: The development of AI should be guided by ethical principles and rigorous safety considerations. It's crucial to ensure responsible development and deployment of AI to prevent any potential harm and ensure it aligns with the greater good of humanity.

Thanks a lot for reading the above ,it's meant to trigger all kinds of imagination and is purely a thought process at this point in time ,whether we do survive when faced with the challenges of an intelligent civilization, time will tell and I hope we do as we have always done. You can debate other ways we could achieve the same goals as we confront space the final frontier .

Dr Kasule Francis.


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Possibility of looking at a new way of how all life started on Earth.

If you asked people, how did life begin on earth?  The answers may vary and many people would say, life was actually created ,others would s...